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长篇社会家庭伦理小说 freedom是什么意思意思,freedom的解说

发布日期:2024-09-05 18:53    点击次数:189

长篇社会家庭伦理小说 freedom是什么意思意思,freedom的解说

free.domn.(名词)The condition of being free of restraints.解放,纯粹:不被放置的状态Liberty of the person from slavery, detention, or oppression.自强:开脱了被奴役、扣押或压迫的东说念主的解放Political independence.自力重生:政事上的寂寥Possession of civil rights; immunity from the arbitrary exercise of authority.公民权的享有:公民职权的享有;奉命掌权之东说念主大意使用权力Exemption from an unpleasant or onerous condition:开脱,奉命:幸免了不昂扬或用功的气象:例句:freedom from want.开脱了缺乏The capacity to exercise choice; free will:进行接管的智商;解放接管:例句:We have the freedom to do as we please all afternoon.所有这个词下昼咱们王人作念我方可爱作念的事情Ease or facility of movement:行径自由:减弱并老练的作为:例句:loose sports clothing, giving the wearer freedom.宽松的通顺衣使一稔者行径自由Frankness or boldness; lack of modesty or reserve:不含蓄长篇社会家庭伦理小说,减弱:坦率或强项;缺乏谦善和含蓄:例句:the new freedom in movies and novels.电影和演义中新的平直弘扬法The right to unrestricted use; full access:解放使用权:不放置的使用;充均职权:例句:was given the freedom of their research facilities.被给以放纵使用他们的商榷配置的职权The right of enjoying all of the privileges of membership or citizenship:特权:享有所有会员或公民的特权的职权:例句:the freedom of the city.市民权开始:Middle English fredom 中古英语 fredom from Old English frôodôm 源自 古英语 frôodôm frôo [free] * see free frôo [解放的] *参见 free-dôm [-dom] -dôm [-dom后缀] freedom,liberty,licenseThese nouns refer to the power to act, speak, or think without externally imposed restraints.这些名词王人指不受外界强加的放置的行径、言论或想考的职权。 Freedom is the most general term: Freedom 是最常用的词条; 例句:.In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free. (Abraham Lincoln). .给奴婢解放之后长篇社会家庭伦理小说,咱们保证所有解放东说念主的解放. (亚伯拉罕·林肯)。 例句:.The freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty. (George Mason)..出书解放是解放最有劲的保险之一. (乔治·梅森)。 Liberty is often used interchangeably withfreedom; often, however, it especially stresses the power of free choice: Liberty 常和freedom 轮流使用; 但它往往相等强斡旋放接管的职权: 例句:liberty of opinion;想想解放;例句:liberty of worship;信仰解放;例句:at liberty to choose whatever occupation she wishes;解放地接管她但愿的任何奇迹;例句:.liberty, perfect liberty, to think, feel, do just as one pleases. (William Hazlitt)..去想、去嗅觉、去作念我方感意思意思的任何事的解放,透彻的解放. (威廉·黑兹利特)。 License sometimes denotes deliberate deviation from normally applicable rules or practices to achieve a desired effect, as in literature or art: License 总意味着(如在文体或艺术上)为达到假想的效用而专门偏离往往适宜的准则或通例: 例句:poetic license. Frequently, though, it denotes undue freedom: 诗歌的过度解放。 可是往往意味着不适宜的解放: 例句:.the intolerable license with which the newspapers break . . . the rules of decorum. (Edmund Burke). .被报纸愚弄来破裂文体准则的令东说念主难忍耐的破格. (爱德蒙·伯克)四房色播

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