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婷儿 户外 free是什么酷爱,free的浮现

发布日期:2024-09-05 18:44    点击次数:117

婷儿 户外 free是什么酷爱,free的浮现

freeadj.(描摹词)fre.er,fre.est Not imprisoned or enslaved; being at liberty.解放的:不受扣留或奴役的;解放的Not controlled by obligation or the will of another:不受拘谨的:不受义务或他东说念见地愿规定的:例句:felt free to go.雕悍去不去Having political independence:自食其力的:有政事上的独处权的:例句:.America . . . is the freest and wealthiest nation in the world.(Rudolph W. Giuliani).好意思国事天下上最独处,最豪阔的国度.(鲁说念夫W.朱利亚尼)Governed by consent and possessing or granting civil liberties:享有公民权的:经首肯被统率并享有或准予公民解放权的:例句:a free citizenry.享有公民权的公民Not subject to arbitrary interference by a government:有个东说念主解放的:不受政府的任意侵扰的:例句:a free press.解放的出书机构Not affected or restricted by a given condition or circumstance:撤职的:不受既定条目或环境影响或制约:例句:a healthy animal, free of disease; free from need.莫得疾病的健康动物;自给自足Not subject to a given condition; exempt:被豁免的:不受既定条目诓骗的;被撤职的:例句:income that is free of all taxes.免税的收入Not subject to external restraint:不受外部阻力诓骗的:例句:.Comment is free but facts are sacred.(Charles Prestwich Scott).驳倒是不受甩手的,但事实却是圣洁的.(查尔斯·普雷斯特维奇·斯科特)Not literal or exact:不呆板的:不按字面的或不准确的:例句:a free translation.意译Costing nothing; gratuitous:毋庸钱的;无偿的:例句:a free meal.免费的一餐Publicly supported:公费的:公众救援的:例句:free education.公费教师Not occupied or used:空的:未被占用或使用的:例句:a free locker.一个空柜子Not taken up by scheduled activities:怡然的:未被安排的活动占用的:例句:free time between classes.课间的空余技艺Unobstructed; clear:不受阻挠的;领会的:例句:a free lane.领会的小径Unguarded in expression or manner; open; frank.无保留的:在谈吐或行径上无腐臭的;坦率的;诚挚的Taking undue liberties; forward or overfamiliar.恣意的婷儿 户外,随性的:行径不适合的;应付的或过于亲热的Liberal or lavish:豪放的或大手大脚的:例句:tourists who are free with their money.阔绰钱的旅行者Given, made, or done of one`s own accord; voluntary or spontaneous:不受羁束的:主动地给以、制作或作念的;自愿或自觉的:例句:a free act of the will; free choices.自愿的作为;解放的遴荐Chemistry Physics 【化学】 【物理学】 Unconstrained; unconfined:解放的:不受拘谨的;不受甩手的:例句:free expansion.解放的扩张Not fixed in position; capable of relatively unrestricted motion:没固定的:位置不固定的;能相对地无拘谨地通顺的:例句:a free electron.解放电子Not chemically bound in a molecule:游离的:未化合要素子的:例句:free oxygen.游离氧Involving no collisions or interactions:莫得碰撞的或不相互作用的:例句:a free path.解放旅途Empty:空的:例句:a free space.空间Unoccupied:未被占据的:例句:a free energy level.未被占据的能量极Nautical Favorable:【帆海】 故意的:例句:a free wind.顺风Not bound, fastened, or attached:单体的:不被欺压的、不附着的或不相接的:例句:the free end of a chain.链条的分开的下端Linguistics Being a vowel in an open syllable unchecked by a consonant, as theo in go. 【讲话学】 解放元音的:开音节中不被子音阻挠的元音的,如o 在 go 中 adv.(副词)In a free manner; without restraint.解放地:以解放的神色;不受甩手地Without charge.免费地v.tr.(及物动词)freed,free.ing,frees To set at liberty; make free:开释;使解放:例句:freed the slaves; free the imagination.开释奴婢;解放念念象To relieve of a burden, an obligation, or a restraint:覆没:覆没包袱、义务或甩手:例句:a people who were at last freed from fear.终于覆没了惧怕的东说念主To remove obstructions or entanglements from; clean:排除:从…畏俱阻挠或缠绊物;排除:例句:free a path through the jungle.在森林中清出一条小径for free【非负责用语】Without charge.免费的开头:Middle English fre 中古英语 fre from Old English frôo 源自 古英语 frôo V., from Middle English freen 动词婷儿 户外,源自 中古英语 freen from Old English frôon [to love, set free] * see pro- 源自 古英语 frôon [爱,使解放] *参见 pro- 【引伸】free.lyadv.(副词)free.nessn.(名词)五月桃色网

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